Lord's Day Worship with Procession of Palms
11:00 AM
MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK -- April 18, 2011
Lunch at the Fountain
12:15 - 12:45 PM
Gather at the fountain plaza for a discussion of the day's Gospel reading (John 12:1-23) with
Pastor Dunklau. Bring a sack lunch. Ice water and hot tea will be provided.
TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK -- April 19, 2011
Lunch at the Fountain
12:15-12:45 PM
Gather at the fountain plaza for a discussion of the day's Gospel reading (John 12:24-43)
with Pastor Dunklau. Bring a sack lunch. Ice water and hot tea will be provided.
WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK -- April 20, 2011
Lunch at the Fountain
12:15-12:45 PM
Gather at the fountain plaza for a discussion of the day's Gospel reading (Luke 22:1-23:42)
with Pastor Dunklau. Bring a sack lunch. Ice water and hot tea will be provided.
MAUNDY THURSDAY -- April 21, 2011
Dinner in Erwin Hall
6:30 PM
The Lord's Supper with Stripping of the Chancel
7:30 PM
GOOD FRIDAY -- April 22, 2011
The Service at Noonday
12:00 Noon
HOLY SATURDAY -- April 23, 2011
Prayer Vigil
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM/Sanctuary
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hall, or call the church office
(940-387-3894) if you can participate
Sunrise Service at the Fountain
7:30 AM
Easter Breakfast
8:30 AM in Erwin Hall
Festival Worship
11:00 AM
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