GOD’S WORD—Luke 1:47
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
During this Advent season, football fans across the nation mourned the passing of former Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Don Meredith. After a stellar career in the Cowboys organization, “Dandy Don” took to the broadcast booth along with Howard Cosell and Frank Gifford to offer commentary on (then) ABC’s Monday Night Football. When a team had “put the game away”, as they say, Meredith would intone – in the words of country singer Willie Nelson: “Turn out the lights; the party’s over.”
That could very well be the theme song of many souls in our day and age. People live lives of what Henry David Thoreau once called “quiet desperation.” The holidays bump up against a fleeting but very real sense of foreboding. We hear Sinatra sing: “Have yourself a merry little Christmas; make the yuletide bright. Next year all our troubles will be out of sight.” But will they be out of sight? We’re not sure.
Mary, the mother of our Lord, had the lights turned on. The party had just begun. “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” She had a good Word from God to pin her hopes on. Divine promises were extended to her; they came to pass. She brought forth a babe, the Savior of the world. Her joy rides the wave of the years right into our heads and hearts. We have a good Word from God too. Through the apostle Paul (a man whose life was changed by the light of God’s love) says: “All things work together for the good of those who are called according to God’s purpose.” God’s call is coming to you anew this Christmas. Ride the wave. Turn on the lights. Lets get the party started!
Lord, we beseech You, give ear to our prayers, and enlighten the darkness of our hearts by Your gracious visitation; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Redeemer, come! I open wide my heart to Thee; here, Lord, abide!
Let me Thy inner presence feel: Thy grace and love in me reveal.
Thy Holy Spirit guide us on, until our glorious goal is won:
Eternal praise and fame we offer to Thy Name.
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