A Bit About Me -- with thanks to my stepson, Devin Servis

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The 3rd Sunday of Easter (04/26/09)

There are many who say, "O that we might see some good! Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord!" You have put gladness in my heart more than when their grain and wine abound.
--Psalm 4:6-7
I know people who always keep an eye on the Dow Jones industrial average. I see one when I look in the mirror every day! As of this writing, that average -- or indicator, if you will -- is trying to rebound from record lows. All across the fruited plain, people are quoting the psalmist without knowing it: "O that we might see some good!" (This has to be somewhat of a disappointment for those who still think that the Bible is irrelevant.) Indeed, "Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord!" And, while you are at it, let some of that same light shine on our stock portfolios, IRAs, and 401Ks!
The author speaks of grain and wine in abundance. That's Old Testament shorthand for what we call a thriving economy. Needless to say, there is far more gladness in economic good times. When the economy hits the skids, there are varying levels of panic.
But the psalmist has not given in to counsels of despair. Dark and dreary times -- economic or otherwise -- have not immobilized his heart. Neither has our author tried to gin up some fake happiness to make everyone think he's doing just fine. He didn't join Jerry Lewis in a tearful rendition of "Smile Though Your Heart Is Aching"!
Apparently, none of those efforts were desired or needed, and this for the simple fact that the Lord had put gladness in his heart. Most of the time, we think of gladness as a matter of stimulus and response. Here it is understood as a gift. Aha!

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